Contribution type stuff.

The otherside
Genejoke at 4:22PM, Jan. 10, 2013
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
The Other Side
Based on an idea by Alex
'Genejoke' Korbey.

Script by David
“Gunwallace” Tulloch

This story is the flip side of the very first Lite bites story, Dark Holiday. It isn't a comedy though, although Gunwallace has injected some humour into the script.
It is twelve pages long and a number of artists have taken it on but so far none have delivered.
Anyway if you're interested in contributing please sound off here.
Genejoke at 1:35AM, Jan. 12, 2013
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
Okay I heard from an artist who took this on a while back and still plans to follow through so consider this one taken.

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