3D art discussion

How do you like your 3D art?
Genejoke at 12:54AM, Feb. 5, 2012
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
There are a number of 3D comic s out there and like any medium there are differences in style.
Even once you get past the different software used there are filters and postwork which can greatly affect the look.
Lets have a little comparision of a few comics. I'm giving some information about software used but forgive me if there are inaccuracies.
A deviant mind
Fairly close to how I work, I believe. Raw renders done with the inbuilt render engine of daz studio some postwork when needed.

Batteen (various shorts)
daz studio ( I think)

I believe this is also done with daz studio, not sure which version. I don't know what filter oreffects is done to the pages.

Crimson dark

rendered in cinema 4D with extensive postwork.
Dark sisters

Death porn
Rendered in Carrara.

Found art (Mellandra's Galaxy)
Now done in daz studio 4, although I have no idea of what filter/effect is used.

Riven sol
Poser with etensive postwork

Shaman quest
Made with poser(pro 2012?) again it is mostly raw renders with postwork when required.
last edited on Feb. 5, 2012 1:00AM
El Cid at 4:56PM, May 30, 2012
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
Comics in general I think are easier to read when they're less visually busy, so a little fit of filtering isn't a bad thing, so long as it doesn't become a distraction in and of itself. Oddly enough, I don't use a lot of filtering in my own work, but a lot of the 3D comics I find most visually compelling do use a lot of filters. Hmm.
chrisdotclark at 9:37AM, July 5, 2012
posts: 25
joined: 11-21-2009
Re: Bhaddland.
My comic is not done in Daz Studio, it is done in Poser (Chapters 1 and 2 in Poser 8, Chapters 3 and 4 in Poser 9 - I can see the difference but not sure if anyone else can). I have tried on several occasions to get to grips with Daz Studio, but have always failed. I wish I could, coz the new generation Mike & Vicky only work in Daz Studio… us Poserites are geting left behind.
I have used two filters (actually Photoshop Actions): initially one I bought some years ago (Adam Wright's Comic Actions) but mostly Darkworld's Render Magic, which I prefer. Both were purchased at Renderosity.
There is also a boatload of postwork involved.
Genejoke at 5:11AM, July 7, 2012
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
I stand corrected. I never noticed the post work in bhaddland, I guess that is a good thing.

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